It has been awhile since I've had time to post to the Phenological Field Notes. Our education programs at the Audubon Center have been taking off, and taking all of my time. However, I was inspired today by an email connecting me to the National Phenology Network. This group is dedicated to "taking the pulse of our planet" and monitoring the impacts of climate change on plants and animals. They are looking for volunteers to record their observations of the plant and animal kingdoms across the globe. Visit their website to sign up to help.
It has been a tremendously warm fall. It is October 24th, and we still haven't had a frost here in Billings. I've only lived here three years, but already notice a stark contrast between this fall and my other two here. Both of the last two Octobers have brought 2 - 3 feet of snow in the mountains, and a few inches here in town. This year I am getting concerned that ski season may not happen! It is a la nina year though, which usually brings a wet winter to Montana. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for a snowy winter! What do you look forward to in winter?