Yesterday we celebrated the summer solstice, also known as the official first day of summer. This is the longest day of the year, which happens because planet Earth spins on an axis that tips toward and away from the sun over the course of twelve months. On June 21st, the northern hemisphere of the planet is tipped closest to the sun, meanwhile the southern hemisphere is farthest away from the sun. The opposite happens on December 21st, our darkest day of the year and the longest in the southern hemisphere.
With the arrival of summer, we had a new species arrive at the Center! This morning I caught a quick glimpse of a Richardson's Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus richardsonii). This is one mammal that hadn't yet recolonized the restored habitat here at the Center. Ground squirrels are primarily herbivorous, but will occasionally eat insects and carrion. They are a great prey item for our eagle, osprey, and hawk populations.

We hope the ground squirrel stays, and brings some friends along. They occur in other areas of Billings so it is possible they have finally found their way here to our fields.
Stop on by to welcome this new addition to the Center!
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